04 June, 2014

Blog Tour

I wouldn't usually be so forward on a first date, but will you take me home with you? I'm looking for volunteers to let me hang out on their blog. Not wanting to sound cheap here, but it would just be a single post kind of relationship. No strings attached.

With my forthcoming novel due out soon (yup, STILL waiting for the exact date), I'm hoping to gather a list of bloggers who would host me on a stop of my blog tour. Around the time The Art of Letting Go is published, I'd love to visit some other people's blogs. The idea isn't to talk about the novel for every post - that'd get tedious - I'd be writing something different for each blog. You could let me know if there's a topic you wanted me to write about, or perhaps you'd like to do an interview, or get me to write a piece of flash fiction. Even if your blog isn't a writing/reading blog, I'm sure we could work something out.

As I said, I don't have a date yet, but if you think you might have the space and inclination to host me for a post sometime in the next few months, please let me know. In return, I will flatter you shamelessly (and link to you on my blog).


  1. You're welcome to hop on over to ours if that helps - most certainly not a writing blog, but don't let that stop you :)

  2. You're welcome to a comfy seat at my blog table - virtual peppermint tea will be provided.

  3. Count me in. I'll start thinking of ideas of what to do. See if I can come up with anything interesting.

  4. Thanks Jenny, Derek and Suzie! I will be in touch...

    1. (Sorry Suzi, my iPad autocorrected your name! I do know how it's spelled really!)

  5. You're most welcome Chloe and I'm sure we can come up with something. I'm delighted for you and you've succeeded thanks to your determination.
    I'll be in touch again in the next few days. Recently I've been up to my neck in the final stages of my new thriller.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Tom - especially when you're so busy editing. I look forward to hearing from you!

  6. You'd be very welcome over at my place, Chloe. I haven't had many guest bloggers, so the red carpet is a bit moth-eaten, but I'm told I make a satisfactory cup of tea.

    In the past I've asked people to talk about prose competitions, as they've been a big part of my writing development, but this is by no means compulsory.

    1. Thanks Dan, that sounds great. Competitions have been really important for me too!

  7. Well, just as long as you flatter me shamelessly....

    1. I shall start thinking of a few choice lies ;0)

  8. Yes - let's have you over. You have my digits - or in this case - my characters...

    1. Hooray! ( will reply to your email soon!)

  9. You're welcome to hop over to mine as part of your tour, if you like

    1. Thank-you. What illustrious company I shall keep!


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